Friday, May 14, 2010

60 Seconds and You’ve Got the Job

These days one slip in an interview and someone else gets your dream job. Of all the job hunting techniques I’ve ever taught, the 60 Second Sell interview technique is the one most clients tell me is, “the best thing I ever learned.” It’s a key strategy in my book 60 Seconds & You’re Hired! because it immediately captures and focuses the hiring manager's attention. Don’t enter your next interview without mastering this outlined technique.

The 60 Second Sell is a tool that helps you target your skills to meet the employer’s needs. It allows you to summarize your most marketable strengths in a brief and concise manner. Successful job hunters praised the tool for several reasons:

It was effective in capturing the employer’s attention.
It provided an excellent concise answer to tricky questions.
It was very easy to use the formula.
It provided a strategy plan for managing an interview.
It was a great way to end an interview.
The 60 Second Sell is a customized, 60-second memorized statement that summarizes and links together your FIVE top selling points to perform that employer’s specific job. For example, if the employer were hiring an accountant, you would want to summarize your years in the field and your computer expertise as two of your selling points. As you discuss each selling point, you must put them into an order so that the thoughts flow together in the most effective way. When you link the ideas into sentences it should be spoken in 60 seconds or less.

When to Use It

Most interviews are over before they ever really get started. You have to immediately capture the employer’s attention, get them tuned in to you as a true top-notch candidate. The 60 Second Sell is effective because it demonstrates your strengths and illustrates how you will fill the employer’s needs. That is the key to its success, and yours.

Open your interview by using your 60 Second Sell. Typically the first interview question is “Tell me about yourself.” Hiring Managers complain that people ramble, saying some people take 20 minutes offering a life story for their first answer. After the first minute or two, they say you have totally lost their attention. Starting with a 60 Second Sell solves this problem and engages the hiring manager immediately and concisely by stating here’s exactly HOW I can do your job.

“Why should I hire you?” is another question for which this technique is the perfect answer. An effective 60 Second Sell can convince them to hire you. Other applicable inquiries include: “What are your strengths?” “What makes you think you are qualified for this job?” “What makes you think you will succeed in this position?” “Why do you want this job?” These questions offer an excellent opportunity to stress your most marketable skills using your 60 Second Sell.

Be Memorable—End With a Convincing Close

Most seasoned interviewers will tell you that it is easy to forget a person the minute they walk out the door. Employers often sit back at the end of the day, look at the resumes and wonder who was who.

Using the 60 Second Sell ensures repetition of your major strengths. Closing with your 60 Second Sell leaves the employer with your most marketable points fresh in their minds as they fill out their evaluation form.

This technique really is the perfect ending, when the employer has asked all their questions, you’ve asked yours, you’ve learned about the next stage, and when they will be making a decision. This employer will remember when you end by saying “Thank you for this opportunity to meet with you today." In closing, let me summarize for you what I’d bring to this job"…and insert your 60 Second Sell.

- Robin Ryan

Robin Ryan has appeared on Oprah and Dr. Phil is considered America’s top career coach. Robin has a busy career counseling practice providing individual career coaching, resume writing services, interview preparation, salary negotiations, and outplacement, to clients nationwide. She is the best-selling author of: " 60 Seconds & You're Hired!", " Soaring On Your Strengths", " What to Do with the Rest of Your Life", " Winning Resumes" and, "Winning Cover Letters". A dynamic national speaker, Robin has spoken to over 1200 audiences sharing her insights on how to improve their lives and obtain greater success. Contact Robin at: 425.226.0414, or email:, or visit her website:

Need more assistance? Robin is available to help you achieve your goals and dreams with individual career counseling. Click here to learn more.

© Copyright 2009 Robin Ryan. All rights reserved.


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